Thursday 17 February 2011

Island Shopping

There are a lot of benefits to living on an island, but shopping is definitely not one of them. So often I am dissatisfied with the lack of choice over here, our Topshop is so small, and the boutique are nice but very expensive and they only get new stock every season. It isn't going to change any time soon as it doesn't make business sense to set up a H&M or anything like that over here as there just isn't enough people over here.

The situation is made so much worse by the fact that Arcadia will not deliver to us, I have written to them on a number of occasions but no response. Such a shame, I get so jealous when I see the clothes blogger pick up so easily because they have the choice.

On a brighter note; it was my youngest sister's birthday at the weekend, and her gift was a trip to London. So I have compiled a shopping list for Mouse and hopefully she will get me the goods, couldn't have come at a better time as I am loving all the SS11 highstreet collections so much.
 Primark SS11

H&M SS11

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